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发布时间:2016-12-20 浏览:100
3.Scattering books on subway went viral in big cities 3.大城市地铁上演“丢书大作战” Inspired by British actress and "book fairy" Emma Watson, the Scattering Book project, which advocates leaving books in public spaces for more people to read, went viral nationwide.   受英国女演员、“丢书行动”创始人艾玛.沃特的启发,提倡人们把书丢到公共场所,以鼓励更多的人去阅读的丢书大作战活动,在全国范围内走红。   Xinshixiang, an influential public account on WeChat launched a Scattering Book project in November in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with 10,000 books left on subways, airplanes and taxis for sharing.   一家有影响力的微信公众号“新世相”于11月在北上广三个城市中的地铁系统、航空系统以及滴滴顺风车内丢下了近万本书,正式启动“丢书大作战”行动。   Each book is marked with the Scattering Book project name and anyone can read the book freely and then pass it on anywhere in the city. There is a QR code inside the book and by scanning the code one can trace the book and see messages left by former readers.   每本书上都贴有“丢书大作战”的标签,大家都可以自由阅读,并再把书传到这个城市的其他地方。 The project was also stirring heated debate. Some have their doubts, wondering if it is just a marketing campaign or whether it will really help people pick up a book.   这个活动也引起了人们的热议。一些人对此持怀疑态度,不知这个活动只是一种市场营销的手段,还是真能帮助人们培养起读书的兴趣。(稿件来源:新东方英语学习)
